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University College Dublin World University Rankings | THE

University College, Dublin (commonly referred to as UCD ) (Ireland: ColÃÆ'¡iste Ollscoile, Baile ÃÆ' tha Cliath ), is a research university in Dublin, Ireland. It has more than 1,482 faculties and 32,000 students, and it is the largest university in Ireland. The University comes from a body founded in 1854 with John Henry Newman as the first rector known as the Irish Catholic University, re-established in 1880 and hired in his own right in 1908. The Universities Act 1997 was renamed university constituency as "National University of Ireland, Dublin", and a 1998 ministerial regulation renamed the institution as "University College Dublin - National University of Ireland, Dublin".

Originally at a location in Dublin city, all university faculty have moved to the 133 acre (330 acre) campus in Belfield, four kilometers to the south of the city center.

University College Dublin is often ranked among the top universities in Europe. There are five Nobel Prize winners among University College Dublin alumni and former and former staff. World University Rankings QS 2016 ranked UCD # 176 worldwide, and placed it on bracket 151-200, for graduates eligibility.

A report published in May 2015 shows the economic output generated by UCD and its students in Ireland amounts to EUR1.3 billion annually.

Video University College Dublin


The University can trace its history to an institution founded in 1854 as the Catholic University of Ireland, founded as UCD in 1880 under the auspices of the Royal University, and received its charter in 1908.

Irish Catholic University

In the years after the Catholic Emancipation in Ireland, a movement led by Paul Cullen, Archbishop of Armagh and, later, the Archbishop of Dublin (and later formed the Cardinal), attempted to provide for the first time in Ireland a higher level of education both accessible to Irish Catholics and taught by fellow Catholics. In the 19th century, the issue of denominational education in Ireland was a debate. It has divided Daniel O'Connell and the Young Irish Movement over the years. The Catholic Hierarchy wants to abolish the "Godless Colleges" from Queen's University of Ireland established in Galway, Belfast and Cork and provide a Catholic alternative to Trinity College, Dublin. Trinity is Anglican in its origins and, although Catholics have been studying there since the 1780s, Trinity has maintained a religious test that excludes them from membership of governmental institutions of college (see Denis Caulfield Heron). In 1850 at the Synod of Thurles it was decided to open the Catholic University.

As a result of this effort, the newly opened Irish Catholic University in 1854 and John Henry Newman were named first rectors. Newman had become an integral figure in the Oxford Movement in the 19th century. Catholic University opens its doors at St. Malachy, November 3, 1854. On that day, the names of seventeen students were included in the list and Newman addressed the students "What we are here" and prophesies that in the coming years they will see pride on that day. The university opened with three houses: 86 St. Stephen's Green, known as St. Patrick's or University House, under the care of The Rev. Michael Flannery; 16 Harcourt Street, known as St Lawrence under the care of The Rev. James Quinn, who also owns his school there; and Newman's home, 6 Harcourt Street, known as St. Mary's under Newman's personal supervision.

To prepare students for admission to the new University, Catholic University School was established as a feeding school under the guidance of Bartholomew Woodlock and Cardinal Newman. Among the first students enrolled were the grandchildren of Daniel O'Connell. Others include William O'Shea who will continue to be Captain in the British Army and is the center of a divorce crisis that undermines Charles Stewart Parnell's career in trying to establish Home Rules for Ireland. O'Shea is at loggerheads with Newman and goes to Trinity, however, after a year. Of the original eight students in Newman's own home, two Irishmen, two Englishmen, two Scots and two French. Among them are the French viscount, and the Irish baronet Sir Reginald Barnewall, the son of a French countess, the grandson of a Scottish marquis, and the son of a British nobleman. Then added to the treatment of two Belgian princes and the number of Poles. Many are attracted to the University on the basis of Newman's reputation.

As a private university, the Catholic University has never been given a royal charter, and therefore can not provide a recognized title and suffer from chronic financial difficulties. Newman left the university in 1857, after school serious decline. Bartholomew Woodlock was appointed Rector and served until he became Bishop of Ardagh and Clonmacnoise in 1879. In this period he attempted to secure a 34-hectare site in Clonliffe West but the scheme collapsed when an extension of the rail system on the north side of Dublin cut across the site. He then turned his attention to expanding along St. Stephen's Green and for many years it was purchased from No. 2. 82 to 87.

The decline was stopped in 1880 with the founding of the Royal University of Ireland. Royal University chartered all Irish students to take the university exam and receive a degree. Although in many ways, Catholic University can be viewed as a failure, University College of the future inherits substantial assets from it including the successful medical school (Cecilia Street) and two beautiful buildings, Newman House at St. Stephen's Green and adjoining University Church.

Foundation College College Dublin

To capitalize on the benefits of setting up the Royal University of Ireland, the Catholic University was re-established as University College Dublin. Colleges quickly attracted many of Ireland's finest students and academics including the Pastor. Gerard Manley Hopkins and James Joyce and quickly began to outperform three other universities within the Royal University system - within fifteen years prior to the establishment of the National University, the number of first class distinctions in Art awarded by Royal University to University College was 702 compared to a total of 486 awarded to the combined Queen Academy in Belfast, Galway and Cork. Many of the staff and college students during this period will substantially contribute to the establishment and development of the state of Ireland in the future, most notably Francis Sheehy-Skeffington, Patrick Pearse, Hugh Kennedy, Eoin MacNeill, Kevin O'Higgins, Tom Kettle, James Ryan, Douglas Hyde and John A. Costello. Student riots occurred during this period, especially during loyalist speeches by the Chancellor, the 12th Earl of Meath, and the game "God Save the King" in conferring ceremonies.

In 1908, the Royal University was dissolved and the National University of Ireland was established to replace it. The new university was built with three constituent universities - Dublin, Galway, and Cork. At this time the college campus consists of a number of locations in and around St. Stephens Green in downtown Dublin, the principal places are Earlsfort Terrace, Cecilia Street, College of Science Merrion Street, and Newman House at St Stephen's Green. After the formation of NUI, D. J. Coffey, Professor of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University, became the first president of UCD. Under the University Act, 1997, University College Dublin was established as a constituent university within the framework of the National University of Ireland.

UCD and Irish Independence War

The UCD site of Decade Centenari celebrates 100 years since the steps toward independence gather momentum, where many staff, students, and graduates of University College Dublin play an important role in the discourse and action taking place. UCD is the main holder of important national and international archives relating to that period.

In 1913 in response to the formation of the Ulster Volunteer, Eoin MacNeill, the early Irish history professor (who saw the movement as a threat to the House Rule movement), called for the creation of Irish nationalist forces to fight it. The Irish volunteers were formed later that year and MacNeill was elected Chief of Staff. At the outbreak of World War I in view of the 1914 Rule Act and the political perception that it might not be implemented [the law was suspended during the war] Rule Party leader John Redmond urged the Irish Volunteers to support the British war effort as a way of supporting the Irish House Rules. This effort on behalf of Home Rule includes many UCD staff and students. Many of those who oppose this move then participate in the Easter Rising.

In this way, the UCD is a reflection of the Irish nationalist community in general, with some staff and students participating in the upgrading, such as Patrick Pearse, Thomas MacDonagh, Michael Hayes and James Ryan, and smaller numbers, including Tom Kettle and Willie Redmond, fought for England in World War I during the same period.

Many UCD staff, students and alumni who fought in the Irish Wars of Independence followed the resurrection. After the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty, four UCD graduates joined the government of the Irish Free State.

University graduates have had a huge impact on Irish political life - four out of nine Irish Presidents and six of the thirteen Taoisigh have become former staff or graduates.

Move to Belfield

By the early 1940s, the College had become the largest third-level institution in the state. In an effort to address the increasing number of unsuccessful attempts to expand the existing urban center campus. It was finally decided that the best solution would be to move the College to a much larger greenfield site outside the city center and create a modern campus university. The move began in the early 1960s when science faculty moved to a 1.4-square-kilometer (350-acre) campus park in Belfield on the outskirts of the city on the south side of Dublin. The Belfield campus has since evolved into a modern building complex and inherited a Georgian townhouse, accommodating university campuses and student residences and many recreational and sports facilities.

One of the previous UCD locations, the Royal College of Science at Merrion Street is now the site of the renovated Irish Government Building, where the Department of Taoiseach (Prime Minister of Ireland) is located. University College Dublin also has a site in Glasnevin for much of the last century, Albert Agricultural College, the southern part now occupied by Dublin City University, the north is where the town of Ballymun is located.


The university consists of six colleges, related schools (37 total) and several research institutes and centers. Each college also has its own Graduate School, for graduate students.

Daftar perguruan tinggi dan sekolah masing-masing setelah restrukturisasi pada bulan September 2015

UCD College of Arts and Humanities
UCD School of Art History and Cultural Policy
UCD School of Classics
UCD School of English, Drama dan Film
UCD School of History
UCD School of Irish, Studi Kelautan dan Cerita Rakyat
UCD School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics
UCD School of Music
UCD College of Business
Sekolah Bisnis UCD
UCD Lochlann Quinn School of Business
UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business
UCD College of Engineering and Architecture
Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Kebijakan Lingkungan UCD
UCD School of Biosystems and Food Engineering
UCD School of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering
Sekolah Teknik Sipil UCD
UCD School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
UCD School of Mechanical and Material Engineering
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan dan Pertanian UCD
UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science
UCD School of Medicine
UCD School of Nursing, Kebidanan dan Sistem Kesehatan
Sekolah UCD Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fisioterapi dan Ilmu Olahraga
UCD School of Veterinary Medicine
UCD College of Social Sciences dan Law
UCD School of Archaeology
UCD School of Economics
Sekolah Pendidikan UCD
UCD School of Geography
Sekolah Informasi dan Komunikasi UCD
UCD School of Law
UCD School of Philosophy
UCD School of Politics and International Relations
UCD School of Psychology
UCD School of Social Policy, Pekerjaan Sosial dan Keadilan Sosial
UCD School of Sociology
UCD College of Science
UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science
UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science
UCD School of Chemistry
UCD School of Computer Science
UCD School of Earth Sciences
UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics
UCD School of Physics

UCD Horizons

At the beginning of the academic year 2005/2006, UCD introduced the Horizons curriculum, which fully semester and modularised all undergraduate programs enhance the quality and flexibility of a standard university education. Under the Horizons curriculum, new undergraduate students have a greater choice in what they actually learn in their courses. Under the new curriculum, students choose ten core modules from their specific subject areas and two other modules, which can be selected from other programs throughout the University (this applies to most programs, but some exceptions, such as in Omnibus Art and Business & amp; Law, can apply). For example, a student studying Phase 1 Trade as his primary degree program may also choose one module (or two) of the Stage 1 Law program (subject to space availability, time constraints and so on).

Maps University College Dublin


Trustee and generous

The early patron and philanthropist of the University is the Catholic Church.

The undergraduate fee is funded in part by the State of Ireland (for EU citizens) and by the students themselves.

Among the latest patrons include actor Gregory Peck who is the co-founder of Film School. Other helpers include Lochlann Quinn (UCD Quinn Business School), Michael Smurfit (Michael Grurfit Graduate Business School), Peter Sutherland (Sutherland Law School), Tony O'Reilly (O'Reilly Hall) and Denis O'Brien (O 'Center for Science Brien)


Among his most successful alumni and faculty are three former Irish presidents; Douglas Hyde (as a faculty), Patrick Hillery, and Cearbhall ÃÆ' â € Å"DÃÆ'¡laigh (faculty). V. Giri, the fourth President of India studied law between 1913 and 1916 before being expelled from Ireland. Five former Taoistigh (Prime Ministers) of Ireland attended UCD: John A. Costello, Charles Haughey, Garret FitzGerald, John Bruton, and Brian Cowen. Irish revolutionaries Patrick Pearse and Thomas MacDonagh, two of the leaders of the Easter Rising and signatory of the Republic of Ireland Proclamation are students and faculty members at the University, respectively. As well as former Presidents, Douglas Hyde and PÃÆ'¡draig Pearse, UCD Professor Eoin MacNeill has a key role in the Gaelic revival in Ireland.

Contemporary politicians include five of the seventeen members of the Irish Government's cabinet. These include Michael Noonan (Minister of Finance) and Ruairi Quinn (Minister of Education and Skills). Noà   «Kinsella, a psychology graduate, is a Canadian Senate speaker.

In international affairs, UCD alumni include Seà ± n MacBride, one of the founders of Amnesty International and Nobel Peace Prize recipient 1974. UCD law degree Peter Sutherland, one of the main negotiators in the World Trade Organization foundation, served as its first Director General. Former student Ryan Crocker, a Career Ambassador in the US Foreign Service, serves as Ambassador to Afghanistan and Iraq among other places and is a recipient of the Medal of Freedom Presidential.

In the EU's institutional and political framework, UCD has a number of numbers. Including Sutherland, six of Ireland's nine Irish Commissioners are alumni. Catherine Day is the current Secretary-General of the European Commission. Alumnus and faculty member Professor James Dooge is chairman of what is known as the "Dooge Report", which examines the institutional questions in transition to the Single European Law, the first major change in the framework of European projects since the Roman Covenant.

Since the establishment of Ireland in 1922, UCD has produced the most number of Great Judges in Ireland, most of which are the Chief Judges and most of the Attorney General of Ireland. Nine of the eleven of the Supreme Court judges are UCD alumni.

Other notable UCD alumni include author James Joyce, Ulysses, Flann O'Brien ( In Swim-Two-Birds ), Colm TÃÆ'³ibÃÆ'n ( The Master >) and Roddy Doyle ( Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha ). Some renowned poets to attend include Gerard Manley Hopkins (faculty), John Montague, John Jordan, Michael Hartnett, Paul Durcan, James Liddy, Hugh McFadden, and Macdara Woods. Actor Gabriel Byrne, Carroll O'Connor, Dan O'Herlihy, Brendan Gleeson and Chris O'Dowd all attended the University. Movie directors include Oscar winner Neil Jordan ( The Crying Game ) and Jim Sheridan ( My Left Foot ). Comedian, Dermot Morgan and Dara ÃÆ' â € Å"Briain was the main character in the university debate for many years. Among the numerous humanitarians present, including John O'Shea, founder of GOAL and Tom Arnold, CEO of Concern Worldwide. Former religious leaders include Cardinal TomÃÆ'¡s ÃÆ' â € Å"Fiaich and Desmond Connell and rector founder Cardinal Newman.

Alumni involved in business include David J. O'Reilly, former CEO and Chairman of Chevron Corporation, Niall FitzGerald, former CEO and Chairman of Unilever, Pearse Lyons, founder and President of Alltech and Tony O'Reilly, formerly CEO of HJ Heinz Company and has Independent News & amp; Media.

UCD has produced a number of famous athletes, especially in the popular field sports Gaelic games and rugby union. Many played in the side of University clubs like Brian O'Driscoll who played for University College Dublin R.F.C.. The club has produced thirteen British and Irish Lions including O'Driscoll, with several others present as students. Among the most famous Gaelic players to attend are SeÃÆ'¡n Murphy, a medical school graduate, a member of the Millennium Gaelic Football Team. Important bullets including Nicky Rackard, included in the Jokes Team of the Ages. Kevin Moran, formerly of Gaelic football but also a footballer for Manchester United, graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce in 1976.

In 2010, UCD medical graduates and professor of cardiothoracic surgeon Prof. Eilis McGovern was elected the 168th President of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and thus became the first female President of all Royal College of Surgery in the world.

Former faculty including Dennis Jennings of the School of Computing, is considered the pioneer of the Internet for his leadership of NSFNET, the network that became the backbone of the Internet. Other well-known faculties include Patrick Lynch, Roger Yates and Jan? Ukasiewicz and James Heckman, a Professor of Science and Society who won the Nobel Prize Memorial in Economics in 2000.


UCD is consistently ranked as one of the best universities in Europe in metrics around the world.

In 2018, ranked by QS World University Rankings as the 168th best university in the world and the best 73rd in Europe. Times Higher Education World University Rankings puts UCD in 201-250 range in 2018.

  • QS Subject Rank: Veterinary Science, 2015
40th globally, 16th in Europe, 1 in Ireland

Graduate Business School Michael Smurfit UCD is regularly rated as one of the 100 best schools for Business or Economics around the world.

  • Global Global MBA 2015 ranking.
to-73 globally.
  • Financial Times European Business School Rank 2014.
35th in Europe.
The Economist (Full-time MBA ranking) 2014.
to 63 globally.


  • University Sunday Times Year 2006 .

WUN welcomes new member University College Dublin - News ...

Research and innovation

The University is a leading research center in Ireland with a research income of EUR114.1 million during 2013/14. The UCD research community is about 1,150 academic staff, 630 research-funded staff, and 1640 PhD students working in various schools and research institutes of the University.

Research Institute

Among university research institutions are:

  • Complex and Adaptive System Laboratory
  • Cybersecurity Center & amp; Cybercrime Investigation
  • UCD Earth Institute

External collaboration

The broad partnerships in which universities are involved include:

  • Adaptive Information Cluster (with DCU)
  • Center for Innovation and Structural Change (with Galway and DCU NUI)
  • Research center on adaptive nanostructures and nanodevices (with TCD and UCC)
  • CTVR Center for Telecommunications Value-Based Research (with DCU, TCD, NUI Maynooth, UCC, UL, DIT, and Sligo IT).
  • National Digital Research Center (with Dublin City University and Trinity College, Dublin).
  • National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training (with Dublin City University, Trinity College, Dublin, and Sligo IT).
  • Program for Research on Physical Computing Physics Natural Phenomena (with DCU, TCD, UCC DIAS, NUI Galway, HEAnet, Meet ÃÆ'â € ireann, Armagh Observatory and Ireland Grid).
  • Advanced Biomimetic Materials for Solar Energy Conversion with Limerick University, Dublin City University, Airtricity, OBD-Tec, and Celtic Catalysts.

Current and former campus companies

The most reputable university-related companies are Register Domain IE; many university academics continue to sit on the board of directors. The university initially dominated domain in the late 1980s.

There are a number of related companies, many concentrated as NovaUCD initiatives, to commercialize research outcomes and opportunities; many of these reflect the university's expertise in life sciences and information technology. These companies include:

  • Duolog

Welcome to Ireland, Dublin and University College Dublin - YouTube

Student life

Student Union

The student union in college has been an active part of the campaign run by the National Union, USI, and has played a very significant role in college life since its establishment in 1974.

The Society has also taken a significant stance on human rights issues that have made headlines in Ireland and around the world, especially in becoming the world's first institute to impose a ban on Coca-Cola products in Union Union-controlled stores. allegations of human rights violations and unions in Colombia. The ban was canceled in 2010.

The main Board of Unity is the Unity Council which meets every two weeks during the term of office. The membership of the Council consists of 180 seats for Class Representatives, ten officers directly elected from the Executive of the Union and five Executive officials elected by the Unity Council at its first meeting each year. Their term begins on July 1 in their election year and lasts for twelve months. The Sabbatical election takes place at the end of February each year. To date, students from Arts, Science and Law have dominated in holding the council seats.

From 2013, there is a new bar on campus in the Student Union building and near the gym. There is also a faculty bar in the Newman building.


UCD has over 60 sports clubs on campus with 28 scholarships awarded each year.

UCD competes in Ireland's most popular field sport, Gaelic Games, Hurling, Soccer, and Rugby Union. UCD is the only Irish University competing in the major Irish leagues for rugby and football with University College Dublin A.F.C. and University College Dublin R.F.C. compete in the top league of each competition. UCD GAA has won the most Sigerson (Gaelic Football) Cup while they have the second most Fitzgibbon Cup (hurling) win, both major University competitions in sports in Ireland.

UCD sports annually compete in Color Matches with Trinity College, Dublin in various sports, especially in rugby. The rugby side has won 35 of 57 contests. UCD RFC has produced 13 UK and Ireland Lairs as well as 70 Rugby International Ireland and 5 for other countries.

In 1985, UCD drew with Everton F.C. in the 1st round of the UEFA Cup Winners Cup, which Everton won.

Another famous sports team on campus basketball side, UCD Marian, winner of the 2012 Basketball Basketball Superleague.

The Belfield campus is home to a variety of sports facilities. Facilities include the National Hockey stadium (which previously hosted the Women's Hockey World Cup Final and European Hockey Championships) and the UCD Bowl, a 3,000-capacity stadium used for rugby and soccer. UCD has one of the country's largest fitness centers, squash courts, tennis courts, indoor rifles, over twenty sports fields (for rugby, soccer and gaelic), indoor climbing wall and two large gyms. Sporscenter added in 2012 with Olympic-size swimming pool competitions, a tepidarium and an updated fitness center as part of the UCD Student Center reconstruction.

The University hosted the IFIUS World Interuniversity Games in October 2006.

Leinster Rugby

Leinster Rugby Headquarters and training facilities are located on campus, Academy housing, Senior Squad, and the rugby Club Admin arms. Their facilities include office blocks and high-performance facilities, located next to the Institute of Sport and Health (ISH). They also use UCD pitch. It was completed in 2012 at a cost of 2.5 million euros.


There are currently more than sixty university students. They serve many interests ranging from large-scale party societies such as Ag Soc, Soc Arts, Trade and Economic Society, ISS (and its sub-group AfricaSoc), INDSoc (Indian Society) and MSoc (Malaysian Society) which has the largest student community of Indian and Malaysian students in Ireland. There are also interested religious groups such as Christian Unity, Islamic Society, Atheists and Secular Societies, television stations Campus Television Network, academically oriented societies such as the Economic Community, UCD Philosophy Society, Civil Society, Classical Society, and An Cumann Gaelach Irish-speaking communities and charities like St. Vincent de Paul, UCDSVP. There are two main communities for international students, ESN UCD (part of the Erasmus Student Network) and the International Student Association.

Many UCD communities are involved in voluntary work on campus and in Dublin. For example, UCD Student Law Services is a student-managed community that provides free legal information clinics for UCD students.

Irish political parties are represented on campus including ÃÆ' â € Å"gra Fianna FÃÆ'¡il, Young Fine Gael, and UCD Labor Youth. The college has two union argues.

The oldest people are the Society of Literature and History, currently in the 160th session, An Cumann Gaelach who entered their 110th session, Trading & amp; The Economic Society that entered their 105th session and the Dublin College Law Society, founded in 1911. L & amp; H and Law Society is the main debate community of the college and two of the leading in Ireland. Ireland's most prestigious competition, Irish Times Debate the L & amp; H has 11 team wins and 12 individuals with Law Society achieving 2 team wins and 2 wins each. Both communities have also succeeded further in the UK and Ireland John Smith Memorial Mace (formerly The Observer Mace) with L & amp; H won 5 titles and the title of Lawsoc 2. UCD has hosted the World University Debating Championships twice, lastly in 2006. At the beginning of the Academic Year 12/13, the Literary and Historical Society reached membership 5143 to the largest student community at UCD and in Europe. The UCD Dramsoc is a university drama society, noted for its active membership and a number of renowned alumni. The University also has a successful sinfonia called University College Dublin Symphony Orchestra.

Publications and student media


Two student newspapers are currently published at the university, a broad sheet of Observer University and the Tribun College tabloids.

The University Observer

The University Observer won the Newspaper of the Year award at the National Student Media Awards in April 2006, an award that has been achieved many times, last in April 2014. Founded in 1994, his first editor was Pat Leahy and comedian Dara ÃÆ' â € Å"Briain. Many prominent figures in Irish journalism have held editorial positions including The Irish Times editor-in-charge Roddy O'Sullivan and political editor Pat Leahy, AFP business reporter Enda Curran, The Irish Examiner political editor Daniel McConnell, RTÃÆ' â € ° News reporter Samantha Libreri; Today's FM political correspondent, Gavan Reilly; and TV researcher Alan Torney. His staff efforts were recorded by the Guardian Student Media Award with a nomination for "Best Newspapers", the first Irish student publication to receive the recognition. In 2001, in addition to several Irish National Student Media Awards, University Observers under McConnell and Curran won the second prize for "Best Publications" at the Guardian Student Media Awards in London. To date, The University Observer has won 29 Irish Student Media Awards.

The main sections in this paper are: campus, national and international news, commentary, opinion, and sport. In addition, each edition includes a recycling art and culture supplement called O-Two , with music interviews, travel, fashion and color pieces. The University Observer is funded by the UCD Student Union, but the content is theoretically remained editorial independent, limiting a 'Unity Page' per issue.

Tribune College

The College Tribune was founded in 1989, with the help of renowned political commentator Vincent Browne. Then a university student at the university, Browne noted the lack of independent media outlets for students and staff and set about rectifying this with the formation of student newspapers. The paper was originally established with a link to The Sunday Tribune, although over time this link fades and eventually, the Tribune will long live longer than its national counterpart. This paper from the beginning supports itself financially through commercial advertising in its print edition. Operating under such models theoretically allows the paper and its staff to maintain the original editorial independence of both university authorities and the Student Union. The Tribune has been recognized on numerous occasions in national student media awards, especially in sports writing, whose papers maintain a strong tradition. In addition to winning Student Newspaper of the Year in 1996 USI & amp; Irish Independent Media Award, then editor of Conor Lally was also awarded Student Journalist of the Year. 2003 saw the Tribune supporter Peter Lahiff win the Writer's Diversity of the Year at the Guardian Student Media Award, currently the only recipient of the Irish Guardian Award.

The College Tribune section covers news, sports, features, art, movies and entertainment, music, fashion, business, and politics & amp; innovation. It is contained in both the right paper, and the art culture supplement The Trib . This paper was also recorded among students for the launch of The Evil Gerald , a satire paper in the paper â €.

Radio and television

UCD also has a student radio station, Belfield FM, broadcasting at selected times throughout the academic year across campus and surrounds on FM and online on the station's website. The station is managed independently by the UCD Broadcasting Society and has produced renowned Irish radio hosts such as Ryan Tubridy and Rick O'Shea (from RTÃÆ'â € fame) and Barry Dunne of 98FM. Belfield FM is the successor of UCD FM, which operates inside the student union entertainment office as a service for students. Originally launched in 1992, the station was renamed in 2000 and has been in operation since then with its current name. As a result of the implementation of the new student union constitution at the beginning of the academic year 2012/2013, the station now operates as a student society.

Historical newspapers

  • Student
  • University Sheet
  • Confrontation
  • Campus
  • UCD News
  • Voice Student
  • Gobshout
  • Catholic University News and Times
  • Hibernia
  • Comhthrom Feinne
  • Comhar

color scarf University College Dublin

In the years that followed, the students were given a blue, sea-blue scarf and St. Patrick's saffron at the Presidential Welcoming Ceremony when they were officially welcomed. These colors have replaced the color of "Faculty" and are now used at the time of graduation as well.

University College Dublin - TeamMate

UCD President

  • Denis Coffey, Dean of Medicine (1910-1940)
  • Arthur W. Conway, (1940-1947)
  • Michael Tierney (1947-1964)
  • Jerimiah Hogan, (1964-1972)
  • Thomas Murphy, (1972-1985)
  • Patrick Masterson, (1986-1993)
  • Art Cosgrove, (1994-2003)
  • Hugh R. Brady, (2004 - 2013)
  • Andrew J. Deeks, (2014 -)

University College Dublin | Study Abroad | Arcadia University ...

UCD in popular culture

In the literature

James Joyce's novel A Portrait of The Artist as Youth is partly arranged in UCD (currently located at Earlsfort Terrace) where Stephen Dedalus (now the name of the IT building) is registered as a student. Joyce's autobiographical novel published by Stephen Hero contains his stories about his time at UCD. Novel Flann O'Brien In Swim-Two-Birds features an UCD student who writes a meta-novel in which the author is tried by his novel characters. Novel Maeve Binchy, Circle of Friends , dealing with three female friends started college at UCD in the 1950s. However, photos of Trinity College were used in the movie 1995 . Ross O'Carroll-Kelly's second novel, The Teenage Dirtbag Years , follows Ross as he enters UCD.

In music

Christy Moore wrote a tongue on the cheek song about Literature and History of UCD Society called "The Auditor of the L and H". Johnny Jurex & amp; The Punk Pistols, the predecessor of Rocky De Valera & amp; The Gravediggers have a song called "Anarchy in Belfield" which they played in their show during Rag Week in 1976.

In movies and television

The third movie Conor McPherson Saltwater was filmed in Belfield, UCD. In Boston Legal, Season 2, Episode 21 "Word Salad Day", there is a reference to the UCD study that "found that the effect of divorce on children is far more damaging than a parent's death".

University College Dublin (UCD)

See also

  • Education in the Republic of Ireland
  • List of universities in the Republic of Ireland
  • List of people at University College Dublin

University College Dublin / UCD - NOHA Network on Humanitarian ...

Notes and references

Major University College Dublin contest to launch this year | News ...

External links

  • Official website
  • The Unity Student Website
  • University College Library Library at Google Cultural Institute
  • UCD Ephemera Collection: a collection of epemera especially related to the history and development of UCD. UCD Digital Library Collection.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
