Senin, 18 Juni 2018

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The Food Lab's Southern Fried Chicken Recipe | Serious Eats

Chickens are the most common poultry in the world. Because it is relatively easy and low cost to raise them compared to animals such as cattle or pigs, chickens have become prevalent throughout cultural cuisine around the world, and their meat has been adapted to regional tastes.

Chickens can be prepared in a variety of ways, including grilling, roasting, roasting, frying, and boiling, among many others, depending on the purpose. Since the second half of the 20th century, ready-to-eat chicken has become a fast food staple. Chickens are sometimes cited as healthier than red meat, with lower cholesterol and saturated fat concentrations.

The poultry industry responsible for chicken production takes many forms in different parts of the world. In developed countries, chickens are usually subject to intensive farming methods, while less developed areas increase chickens using more traditional farming techniques. The United Nations estimates there are 19 billion chickens on Earth today, making them more than two to one.

Video Chicken as food


Modern chickens are descendants of hybrid red forest forest along with the gray jungle forest was first raised thousands of years ago in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent.

Chicken as meat has been described in Babylonian carvings from about 600 BC. Chicken is one of the most common meats available in the Middle Ages. It is eaten in most of the Eastern Hemisphere and a number of types of chicken such as kapon, chicken and chicken are eaten. It is one of the basic ingredients in blancmange, the soup usually consists of chicken and fried onions cooked in milk and seasoned with spices and sugar.

In the United States in the 1800s, chickens were more expensive than other meats and were "sought after by the rich because it is so expensive to be an unusual dish". Chicken consumption in the US increased during World War II due to lack of beef and pork. In Europe, chicken consumption exceeded beef and beef in 1996, linked to consumer awareness of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease).

Maps Chicken as food


Modern chicken varieties such as Cornish Cross, bred specifically for meat production, with an emphasis on the ratio of feed to meat produced by animals. The most common chicken breeds consumed in the US are Cornish and White Rock.

Chickens that are raised specifically for food are called broilers. In the US, broilers are usually massacred at a young age. Modern Cornish Cross hybrids, for example, were slaughtered as early as 8 weeks for frying and 12 weeks for roasted birds.

Capon (chicken castrated) produces more and more fatty meat. For this reason, they are considered a delicacy and very popular in the Middle Ages.

The Best Southern Fried Chicken | The Food Lab | Serious Eats

Editable components

  • Primary
    • Breasts: These are white meat and are relatively dry.
    • Feet: Consists of two segments:
      1. The "drumstick"; this is the dark meat and the bottom of the foot,
      2. "thigh"; also dark meat, this is the top of the foot.
    • Wing: Often served as a snack or bar food. Buffalo wings are a typical example. It consists of three segments:
      1. "drumette", shaped like a small thigh, this is white meat,
      2. the middle "flat" segment, containing two bones, and
      3. the tip, often discarded.
  • More
    • Chicken leg: It contains relatively little meat, and is eaten primarily for skin and cartilage. Although considered exotic in Western cuisine, foot is a common food in other cuisines, especially in the Caribbean and China.
    • Giblets: organs like the heart, gutter, and liver may be included in chickens that are cut or sold separately.
    • Head: Considered a delicacy in China, his head is divided in the middle, and the brain and other tissues are eaten.
    • Kidney: Usually left behind when the broiler carcass is processed, they are found in deep pockets on each side of the vertebral column.
    • Neck: These are served in various Asian dishes. It is filled to make a helmet among Ashkenazi Jews.
    • Oysters: Located at the rear, near the thighs, these small pieces of round meat are often considered delicacies.
    • Pygostyle (chicken bottom) and testicles: These are commonly eaten in East Asia and parts of Southeast Asia.
  • Byproducts
    • Blood: Immediately after slaughter, blood can be passed to the container, which is then used in various products. In many Asian countries, blood is poured into low cylindrical forms, and allowed to coagulate into disc-shaped cakes for sale. These are usually cut into cubes, and are used in soup dishes.
    • Carcass: After the appointment of meat, it is used for soup broth.
    • Chicken egg: The best known and well-consumed by-product.
    • Heart and ampela: in Brazil churrascos , chicken liver is a food that often looks delicious.
    • Heart: This is the largest chicken organ, and is used in foods such as PÃÆ' Â ± Â ¢ and liver chopped.
    • Schmaltz: It is produced by processing fat, and is used in a variety of dishes.

The Ultimate Southern Fried Chicken Recipe - Shaun Doty | Food & Wine


Chicken contains about two to three times as much polyunsaturated fat as most types of red meat when measured as a percentage by weight.

Chickens generally include low fat in the meat itself (censured cocks are excluded). Fat is highly concentrated in the skin. A serving of 100g of grilled chicken breast contains 4 grams of fat and 31 grams of protein, compared with 10 grams of fat and 27 grams of protein for the same portion, lean skirt steak.

Use of Roxarsone in chicken production

In factory farms, chickens are routinely fed with Roxarsone feed additives, organoarsenic compounds that partially break down into inorganic arsenic compounded in chicken meat, and in their feces, often used as fertilizer. These compounds are used to control the stomach pathogens and promote growth. In a 2013 sample by Johns Hopkins School of Public Health chicken meat from poultry producers not banning roxarone, 70% of US samples had levels that exceeded the safety limits set by the FDA. The FDA has revised its stand on the safe boundary for inorganic arsenic in animal feed by stating that "any new animal drug contributing to overall inorganic arsenic load is a potential concern".

Antibiotic resistance

Information obtained by the Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance (CIPARS) "strongly suggests that cephalosporin resistance in humans moves in march with drug use in poultry production". According to the Canadian Medical Association Journal, unacceptable ceftiofur antibiotics are routinely injected into eggs in Quebec and Ontario to prevent infection in the hatchling. Although the data is opposed by the industry, antibiotic resistance in humans appears to be directly linked to the use of antibiotics in eggs.

A recent study by the Translational Genomics Research Institute showed that nearly half (47%) of meat and poultry in US grocery stores were contaminated with S. aureus, with more than half (52%) of bacteria which are resistant to antibiotics. Furthermore, according to the FDA, more than 25% of retail chickens are resistant to 5 or more classes of different antibiotic treatment drugs in the United States. It is estimated that 90-100% of conventional chickens contain at least one form of antibiotic resistance microorganisms, while organic chickens have been found to have a lower incidence at 84%.

Contamination fecal matter

In a random survey of chicken products throughout the United States in 2012, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine found 48% of the samples contained fecal matter. In most commercial chicken farms (CAFOs), chickens spend their entire lives standing on, lying, and living in their own excrement, somewhat mixed with bedding (eg sawdust, wood shavings, pieces of straw, etc.).

During shipping from CAFO farms to slaughterhouses, chickens are usually placed inside shipping crates that usually have sloping floors. The crates were then stacked 5 to 10 rows high on the truck to the slaughterhouses. During shipment, chickens tend to defecate, and chicken droppings tend to sit in densely packed cages, contaminating the feathers and skins of chickens, or showering chickens and crates at the lower levels of trucks. When the truck arrives at the slaughterhouse, most chickens have their skin and fur contaminated with dirt.

There is also dirt in the intestine. While the slaughter process removes feathers and intestines, only visible impurities are removed. High-speed automated processes in slaughterhouses are not designed to remove fecal contamination of feathers and skin. High-speed processing equipment tends to spray contamination around birds that descend on the processing lane, and equipment on the line itself. At one or more points in most slaughterhouses, chemical sprays and baths (eg bleach, acids, peroxides, etc.) Used to partially or kill this bacterial contamination. Unfortunately, fecal contamination, once it has occurred, especially in the various membranes between the skin and muscles, is impossible to completely remove.

With a processing line of cuts of up to 140 birds/min, the safety inspector does not have sufficient time to properly examine the visible dirt. The USDA currently allows several slaughterhouses to be processed at unlimited path speeds (ie more than 140 birds/min), further aggravating the problem of fecal contamination.

The Food Lab's Complete Guide to Sous Vide Chicken Breast ...

Marketing and sales

Young chickens less than 28 days old when slaughtered in England are marketed as poussin. Adult chickens are sold as small, medium or large.

An adult chicken is marketed in the United States as a frying pan, broiler, and roaster. Fryers are the smallest size (2.5-4 pounds sold), and most commonly, because the chicken reaches this size quickly (about 7 weeks). Most chopped chicken will be sold whole as frying pan. Chicken broiler bigger than frying pan. They are usually sold intact. Roasters, or roasted chicken, are the biggest chickens that are commonly sold (3-5 months and 6-8 lbs) and are usually more expensive. Even bigger and older chickens are called boiled chicken but these are no longer usually found commercially. These names reflect the most appropriate cooking methods for the ratio of surface area and volume. As the size increases, the volume (which determines how much heat a bird should put in for cooking) rises faster than the surface area (which determines how quickly the heat can enter the bird). For quick cooking methods, such as frying, small birds fit: fry a large piece of chicken results in the undercooked inside when the outside is ready.

Chickens are also sold in cut pieces. Pieces can include a quarter, or a quarter of chickens. A chicken is usually cut into two legs and two parts of the breast. Each quarter contains two commonly available chicken pieces. A quarter foot contains thighs, thighs, and some backs; a leg has the back removed. A quarter of the breast contains breasts, wings and the back; breasts have the back and wings removed. Pieces can be sold in packages of all equal parts, or in combination packages. Cutting whole chicken refers to whether the whole bird is cut into 8 individual parts. (Pieces 8 pieces); or sometimes without back. The 9 piece slices (usually for fast food restaurants) have cut ends before parting. Choose a chicken, or similar title, referring to a package with just a few pieces of chicken, usually breast, thigh, and leg without wings or back. Thighs and breasts are sold without bones and/or without skin. Chicken and/or gizzard hearts are generally available packaged separately. Other parts of chickens, such as neck, legs, comb, etc. are not widely available except in countries where they are in demand, or in cities that serve ethnic groups who like these parts.

There are many fast-food chain restaurants on a national and global scale that sell exclusively or primarily poultry products including KFC (global), Red Rooster (Australia), Hector Chicken (Belgium) and CFC (Indonesia). Most of the products on the menu at the restaurant are fried or breaded and served with fries.

Filipino Grilled Chicken Recipe - Kristine Subido | Food & Wine


The raw chicken may contain salmonella . The minimum safe cooking temperature recommended by the US Department of Health & amp; Human Service is 165Ã, Â ° F (74Ã, Â ° C) to prevent foodborne diseases due to bacteria and parasites. However, in Japan raw chicken is sometimes consumed in a dish called torisashi , which is sliced ​​raw chicken served with sashimi style. Another preparation is lightweight toriwasa on the outside while the inside remains raw.

Chicken can be cooked in many ways. These can be made into sausage, stabbed, put in a salad, baked traditionally or by using a toaster, breaded and fried, or used in a variety of curries. There are significant variations in cooking methods among cultures. Common historical methods include grilling, baking, grilling, and frying. Western cuisine often has chicken prepared with fry for fast food such as fried chicken, chicken nuggets, chicken lollipops or wings Buffalo. They are also often baked for salads or tacos.

Chickens often come with labels like "roaster", which suggests cooking methods based on the type of chicken. While this label is only a suggestion, being labeled for stew is often not good when cooked with other methods.

Several pieces of chicken breast and processed chicken products include moniker "with ribs". This is a misnomer, because it refers to a small piece of white meat that lines the scapula, removed along with breast meat. The breasts are cut from the chickens and sold as solid pieces, while the remaining breasts and ribs are properly stripped from the bone through mechanical separation for use in chicken frank, for example. Chest meat is often thinly sliced ​​and marketed as chicken slices, stuffing is easy for sandwiches. Often, tenderloin (pectoralis minor) is marketed separately from the breast (pectoralis major). In the US, "tender" can be either tenderloin or strips cut from the breast. In the UK, a minor pectoralis strip is called "mini chicken fillet".

Chicken bone is harmful to health because it tends to break into sharp flakes when eaten, but chicken bones can be boiled with vegetables and herbs for hours or even days to make chicken broth.

In Asian countries it is possible to buy their own bones as they are very popular for making chicken soup, which is said to be healthy. In Australia cages of ribs and chicken backs after other cuts have been removed are often sold cheaply in supermarket grocery stores either as "chicken frames" or "chicken carcasses" and purchased for soup or stock requirements.

Chicken-Fried Chicken Is Country Cooking at Its Most Comforting ...


Raw chicken maintains its quality longer in the freezer, because moisture is lost during cooking. There was a slight change in the nutritional value of the chicken during the freezer storage. For optimum quality, however, maximum storage time in 12-month freezers is recommended for whole chickens, 9 months for raw chicken portions, 3 to 4 months for raw chicken fried chicken, and 4 months for cooked chicken. Freezing usually does not cause color change in poultry, but bones and meat nearby can become dark. This is the result of bone darkening when the pigment seeps through the poultry bone of the young poultry to the surrounding tissue when the poultry frozen is frozen and liquefied.

Safe to freeze the chicken directly in its original packaging, but this type of wrapper can absorb air and the quality can decrease over time. Therefore, for long storage, it is advisable to replace these packages. It is advisable to freeze unopened vacuum packets as they are. If a package is accidentally torn or has been opened when food is in the freezer, the food is still safe to use, but it is still advisable to flip through or wrap it back. Chickens should be away from other foods, so if they start melting, their juices will not drip onto other foods. If the previous frozen chicken is purchased at a retail store, it can be frozen if it is handled properly.

Chickens can be cooked or reheated from the frozen state, but it will take about one and a half times longer to cook, and any wrapping paper or absorber should be discarded. There are three safe methods to heat a frozen chicken: in the refrigerator, in cold water, or using a microwave oven. These methods are supported by the FDA as safe, as they minimize the risk of bacterial growth. Bacteria survive but do not grow in freezing temperatures. However, if frozen frozen food is not liquefied properly and is not reheated to the temperature that kills the bacteria, the likelihood of food-borne diseases will increase.

Eggs Contain Undeveloped Embryo Of Chickens As Food Stock Photo ...

See also

Eggs Contain Undeveloped Embryo Of Chickens As Food Stock Photo ...


How to Grill a Whole Chicken | The Food Lab | Serious Eats

External links

  • page about cooking chicken use
  • US government fact sheet about chicken for food

Source of the article : Wikipedia
