Sabtu, 23 Juni 2018

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Giant cell tumors (GCTs) of the pelvis are rare, accounting for only 1.5 to 6% of GCT cases. In the ilium pelvis is the most common place of involvement; iscium and pubis are rarely involved. Usually occurs in adults between the ages of 20 to 50 with localized swelling and pain. Women are slightly more affected than men.

The average size of tumors in this region is 9.5 cm.

There are various modalities of pelvic GCT treatment. Radiotherapy has a high recurrence rate (44%) and the risk of soft tissue sarcoma (12%). So treatment should be basically surgical which includes excision surgery. Excision can be extralesional, which reaches 90% of local tumor control but poor functional outcome or can be an intralesi that has a 90% local recurrence rate with good functional outcomes.

Large-scale GCTs from the pelvis, which are static, can not be treated with excision and have mechanical symptoms, can be managed by reducing the part of the tumor responsible for mechanical symptoms. And patients need to be followed for local invasion or metastasis.

Video Massive giant-cell tumor of pelviacetabulum


Source of the article : Wikipedia
