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Male Hip Bone Anatomy. Anterior View And Posterior With Primary ...

pelvis ( os coxa , innominate bone , pelvis or koxal bone ) is a large flat bone, narrowed in the middle and extends up and down. In some vertebrates (including humans before puberty) consists of three parts: ilium, iscium, and pubis.

The two pelvic bones join the symphysis pubis and along with the sacrum and the tail bone (the pelvis of the spine) consists of the pelvic skeletal component - the pelvic girdle that surrounds the pelvic cavity. They are connected to the sacrum, which is part of the axial skeleton, in the sacroiliac joint. Each hip bone is connected to an appropriate femur (thigh bone) (forming a primary connection between the lower extremity bone and axial skeleton) through large balls and hip socket joints.

Video Hip bone


The hip bone is formed by three parts: ilium, iscium, and pubis. At birth, these three components are separated by hyaline cartilage. They join each other in the Y-shaped cartilage section of the acetabulum. By the end of puberty, the three areas will be fused together, and by the age of 25 they will harden. The two hip bones join one another in the symphysis pubis. Together with the sacrum and the coccyx, the hip bone forms the pelvis.


Ilium (plural ilia ) is the top and largest region. It makes two fifths of acetabulum. It is divided into two parts: the body and ala or wing of the ilium; This separation is indicated on the upper surface by the curved line, the arcuate line, and on the outer surface by the edges of the acetabulum. The ilium body forms a sacroiliac joint with a sacrum. The edges of the ilium wing form an iliac-shaped akatyc crest that is easily found through the skin. The iliac peak shows a clear sign of the attachment of the three abdominal wall muscles.


Ischium forms the lower and back portion of the hip bone and lies beneath the ilium and behind the pubis. Iscium is the strongest of the three regions that make up the hipbone. It is divided into three parts: the body, the superior ramus, and the lower ramus. The body makes up about a third of the acetabulum.

Iscium forms a large swelling, ischial tuberosity, also called colloquial as "sitting bone". When seated, weight is often placed on the ischial tuberosity. Gluteus maximus closes it upright, but leaves it in a sitting position.


The pubic or pubic area is the ventral and anterior of the three parts that make up the hip bone. It can be divided into body, superior ramus, and lower ramus. The body forms one-fifth of the acetabulum. The body forms a wide, strong, medial and flat part of the pubic bone that integrates with other pubic bones in the symphysis pubis. The fibrocartilaginous pad located between the symphysis surface of the coxal bone, which secures the pubic symphysis, is called the interpubic disk.

The superior pubic ramus is part of the pubic bone that forms part of the foramen obturator. It extends from the body to the median plane where it articulates with its counterpart from the opposite side. This is easily explained in two parts: medial mean part and narrow lateral prism section.

The inferior pubic ramus is thin and flat. This passes laterally and downward from the medial end of the superior ramus. It becomes narrower as it descends and joins the inferior ram of iscium beneath the foramen obturator.


Hip bones harden from eight centers: primary hip bones, each for ilium, ischium, and pubis, and five secondary, respectively for iliac crest, the anterior inferior spine (said to be more common in men than in women ), ischial tuberosity, symphysis pubis (more common in women than in men), and one or more for the Y-shaped portion at the bottom of the acetabulum. Centers appear in the following order: at the bottom of the ilium, just above the larger sciatic notch, around the eighth or ninth week of fetal life; in the superior ramus ischium, around the third month; in the superior ramus pubis, between the fourth and fifth months. At birth, the three main centers are quite separate, the apex, the lower part of the acetabulum, the ischial tuberosity, and the inferior rami of iscium and the pubis are still cartilaginous. In the seventh or eighth year, the inferior rami of pubis and iscium is almost completely united by the bone. Around the thirteenth or fourteenth year, three major centers have extended their growth to the bottom of the acetabulum, and there are separated from each other by the Y-shaped cartilage section, which now presents a hardening trail, often by two or more centers. One of them, os acetabuli, appears around the age of twelve, between the ilium and pubis, and joins them around the age of eighteen; it forms part of the genital acetabulum. The ilium and iscium then become joined, and the last pubis and iscium, through the intervention of this Y-shaped part. At around the age of puberty, hardening occurs in each remaining part, and they join the remaining bone between twenty and twenty-five years. Separate centers are often found for pubic tubercle and iscone spine, and for pubic peaks and corners.

Maps Hip bone


Muscle ties

Some of the muscles attached to the pelvic bone include the pelvic internal muscles, the abdominal muscles, the back muscles, all the gluteal muscles, the muscles of the lateral rotator groups, the hamstring muscles, the two muscles of the anterior thigh compartment and even the muscle's single shoulder.

Abdominal muscle

  • External oblique muscle muscles are attached to the iliac crest.
  • The inner belly tilt muscle is attached to the pubic skeleton.
  • Transversus abdominis muscle attaches to pube lesions and pubescence through conjoin tendon

Back muscles

  • The multifidal muscle in the sacral region attaches to the medial surface of the superior posterior iliac spine, the posterior sacroiliac ligament and several places into the sacrum.

Gluteal muscle

  • The gluteus maximus muscle emerges from the posterior gluteal line of the inner inner ilium, and the rough part of the bone including the iliac crest, the fascia that covers the gluteus medius (the gluteal aponeurosis), and the sacrum, tailbone, spina erector (lumbodorsal fascia ), sacrotuberous ligaments.
  • Gluteus medius: arises from the outer surface of the ilium between the iliac crest and the posterior gluteal line above, and the anterior gluteal line below. The gluteus medium also comes from a gluteal aponeurosis that covers its outer surface.
  • The gluteus muscle minimus originates between the anterior and inferior gluteal lines, and from the edge of the larger sciatic notch.

Lateral rotator group

  • Piriformis muscle is derived from the superior margin of the larger sciatic notch (as well as the sacroiliac joint capsule and sacrotuberous ligaments and the spinal and sacrum sections.
  • The superior gemellus muscle emerges from the outer surface of the iskia spina
  • The internal obturator muscle emerges from the inner surface of the antero-lateral wall of the hip bone, where it surrounds a larger portion of the obturator foramen, which is attached to the inferior jelly of pubis and ischium, and on the side. to the inner surface of the hip bone below and behind the pelvic hip, reaching from the top of the larger foramen fori above and behind to the obturator foramen below and in front. It also arises from the pelvic surface of the obturator membrane except in the posterior part, from the tendon arches, and slightly broad of the obturator fascia, which covers the muscles.
  • The inferior gemellus muscle emerges from the top of the ischial tuberosity, just below the groove for the obturator's internal tendon.
  • The external obturator muscle emerges from the margin of the bone immediately around the medial side of the obturator foramen, of the pubic flax, and the inferior ram of iscium; it also arises from the medial two-thirds of the outer surface of the obturator membrane, and from the tendinous arch.


  • The long head biceps femoris arise from a deep and deep impression on the back of the ischial tuberosity, by the common tendon and semitendinosus, and from the bottom of the sacrotuberous ligament;
  • Semitendinosus arises from a lower and medial impression on the ischial tuberosity, by general tendon and femoral biceps head length; it also arises from aponeurosis that connects the adjacent surface of the two muscles to about 7.5 cm in length. from their origin.
  • Semimembranosus arises from a lower and medial impression on the ischial tuberosity

Anterior thigh compartment

  • The femoral rectus muscle appears by two tendons: one, anterior or straight, of the anterior inferior iliac spine; the other, posterior or reflected, from the groove above the edges of the acetabulum.
  • Sartorius muscle arises from the tendin fibers of the superior anterior iliac spine,

Shoulder muscles

  • Latisimus dorsi muscle attaches to iliac crest and some places in the spine and ribs.

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Clinical interests

The proportion of female pelvis may affect the ease of travel during labor. Pelvimetry is the assessment of the female pelvis in relation to the birth of a baby to detect increased risks for delayed labor.


A hip fracture is called a hip fracture, and should not be confused with a hip fracture, which is actually a femoral fracture that occurs at the proximal end of the femur.

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In animals

The hip bone first appears on the fish, where it consists of a simple bone, usually a triangle, defined by the abdominal fin. The hip bones on each side are usually connected to each other at the front end, and even blend with the lungfishes and sharks, but they never stick to the vertebral column.

In early tetrapods, these early hip bones evolved into iscium and pubis, whereas the ilium formed as a new structure, initially shaped like a stem, but soon added a larger bone. Acetabulum already exists at the point where the three bones meet. In this initial form, the connection with the vertebral column is incomplete, with a small pair of ribs connecting the two structures; nevertheless the pelvis has formed a complete ring which is found in the most recent forms.

In practice, modern amphibians and reptiles have substantially modified the structure of these ancestors, based on their diverse forms and lifestyles. Obturator foramen is generally very small in such animals, although most reptiles do have a large gap between pubis and ischium, called fenestra thyroid, which presents an appearance similar to the foramen obturator in mammals.. In birds, the symphysis pubis only exists in ostriches, and the two hip bones are usually widely separated, making it easier to lay large eggs.

In the therapsids, the hip bone comes to rotate counterclockwise, the relative to its position in the reptile, so the ilium moves forward, and the pubis and iskium move backwards. The same pattern is seen in all modern mammals, and the thyroid fenestra and the foramen obturator have merged to form a single space. Ilium is usually narrow and triangular in mammals, but much larger in ungulates and humans, where it's a strong gluteal muscle anchor. Monotremes and marsupials also have a fourth pair of bones, prepubes or "marsupial bones", which extend forward from the pubes, and help to support the abdominal muscles and, in marsupials, pockets. In placental mammals, the pelvis as a whole is generally more widespread in women than in men, to enable the birth of young people.

Tulang panggul cetacean sebelumnya dianggap sebagai vestigial, tetapi mereka sekarang dikenal memainkan peran dalam seleksi seksual.

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Gambar tambahan

anatomy of hip bone and femur â€


This article combines text in the public domain of page 231 of the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)

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External links

  • hip/hip% 20bones/bones3 at the Department of Anatomy of Dartmouth Medical School

Source of the article : Wikipedia
